• Does it blend?

    Proof of concept trying to recreate Eden­spiekermann’s Utrecht City Theatre logo's blending effects.

    Image of example
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  • KMM animated logo
    CSS Animation

    Proof of Concept recreating Eden­spiekermann’s Kröller-Müller Museum animated logo with HTML and CSS.

    Image of example
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  • Ready to Inspire

    Went to this conference and enjoyed it.

    Image of example
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  • My computing history

    A short history of my experience with computers. From ZX Spectrum to iMac. Early 80’s to present.

    Image of ZX Sinclair computer
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  • HTML5 Audio autoplay
    web development

    About autoplay in browsers. • Note to self: Apple blocks the use of ‘autoplay’ for HTML5 audio on iPhone.

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  • Mac OS X default font smoothing

    About ‘LCD Font smoothing when available’ default setting

    Screenshot of macOS text smoothing setting dialog.
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